Aspiring actress and part time pilates instructor Isobel (Frida Farrell) is approached one day by charming photographer Peter, (Gabriel Olds) with a lucrative job offer she can't refuse. Putting her at ease, he guarantees a safe and professional photo shoot, Peter manages to lure Isobel into his private studio where the life she knew, is changed forever…
Directed by
Rudolf Buitendach
Written by
Glynn Turner
Produced by
Frida Farrell & Glynn Turner
A Development Hell Production
“APARTMENT 407”, an award winning new thriller…”
The Times
“…goes beyond the imagination of many.”
“…a new award winning flick.”
New York Post
“…a powerful retelling, new film.”
The Independent
“…sex trafficked and this is how I escaped.”
The Cosmopolitan
“…story of being held captive…revealed in harrowing new film.”
The Daily Mail